Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Survive on raft



Game description: Survive on raft:

Survive on raft - try to survive on a big wooden raft in the middle of the endless ocean. Gather logs, scrap metals and other resources brought by waves. Turn a small raft into a real floating house in this original Android game. Pick up logs and other construction materials floating in the sea. Make walls of your floating shelter. Add new levels and enlarge your living space. Use a hammer, a hook and other metal tools. Get food. Avoid attacks of a huge shark and other enemies.

Game features:

  • Huge ocean
  • Raft construction
  • Object crafting
  • Fight against Predators

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 3.0 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.



Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pocket basketball: All star


Game description: Pocket basketball: All star:

Pocket basketball: All star - take balls into the basket, score points, set incredible records and get various rewards. Become the best basketball player in this exciting Android game. Touch the ball and swipe the screen to select the throw trajectory. Let the finger go to throw the ball. Aim accurately and don't miss. Try to take balls into the basket with maximum possible speed to get an extra reward. Unlock new levels.

Game features:

  • Beautiful basketball grounds
  • Realistic physics
  • High score
  • Simple system of controls

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 3.0 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Adventure craft 2


Game description: Adventure craft 2:

Adventure craft 2 - explore large locations of a fantasy world looking for useful resources. Craft different objects, fight against animals and other enemies. Try to survive in an incredible world of this Android game. Get wood and other construction materials. Build a little hut or a huge castle. Explore thick forests, gloomy caves and other locations looking for boxes with treasures and useful objects. Craft tools, furniture, munitions and so on. Use portals to travel across the world, meet local people.

Game features:

  • Block graphics
  • Interesting maps
  • Construction and craft
  • Various munitions

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 3.0 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Monster truck race


Game description: Monster truck race:

Monster truck race - drive a powerful four wheeled car along hard earth road with many obstacles. Outrun your rivals. Participate in ultimate race which take place on unique arenas of this Android game. Step on the gas and speed up your car in full. Overcome sharp turns of a twisted ring track, complete breathtaking jumps over the hills and other dangerous stunts. Try to get to the finish at the shortest time and outrun all rivals. Buy new cars and upgrade them.

Game features:

  • Over 10 cars
  • 8 interesting tracks
  • Realistic physics
  • Excellent sound and graphics
  • Easy for play
  • Have many Cars

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Legendary stuntman run


Game description: Legendary stuntman run:

Legendary stuntman run - control a character running along a track with obstacles. Help the hero get to the finish of a dangerous track, complete stunts. Take part in exciting competition on the levels of this Android game. Take the hero forward and watch the road carefully. Make the hero speed up and slow down, jump over obstacles or slide under them. Make hard stunts and complete the track fast to get a reward. Unlock new levels and unblock new characters with unique appearance.

Game features:

  • Many interesting levels
  • Several characters
  • Handy system of controls
  • Various bonuses

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Stickman army: Team battle


Game description: Stickman army: Team battle:

Stickman army: Team battle - take command over a squad of risky soldiers and fight against enemy teams. Get advantage of strong sides of your soldiers and win. Become the best fighting commander in this Android game. Gather a squad of soldiers having various weapons and characteristics. Place your warriors on the battle field and apply their abilities in the best way. Cover allies with shields, destroy enemies shooting from a machinegun at them, throw grenades, call aviation support. Win and unlock new soldiers and new kinds of weapons.

Game features:
  • 20 exciting levels
  • Handy system of controls
  • Various upgrades nd bonuses
  • High score
  • Have Many items
  • Easy for play

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v2

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Resident Evil 4 Mobile Edition


Gamenya Lumayan buat menghilangan rasa kangen kita untuk memainkan game tersebut 

Resident Evil adalah sebuah film fiksi ilmiah horor tahun 2002 yang berbasis dari video game Resident Evil yang dibuat oleh Capcom. Film ini menampilkan seorang wanita yang terkena amnesia bernama Leon bersama grup dari Umbrella Corporation yang sedang dalam tugas untuk menyelidiki sebuah fasilitas bawah tanah yang ternyata telah berubah menjadi sarang zombie.

Game description: BioHazard 4 Mobile (Resident Evil 4):

Good news to all fans of Resident Evil - its fourth part is available now on Android platform.
As well as in original game (let out for the personal computer and consoles in 2005 and 2007), it’s a story of Leon Scott Kennedy. The decision of the U.S. President to destroy Raccoon-City by a nuclear missile led to the subsequent falling of actions, bankruptcy and disappearance of ominous corporation Umbrella. Leon who worked in the Secret service of the USA, was given a task - to find the kidnapped daughter of the president and to bring her alive. Having arrived to a small village, you will find the inhabitants turned by the parasitizing organism into zombies. Your task is to kill all enemies, to find the hostage and the most important - to survive

Game Feature:

  • Have Many Gun
  • Easy To play
  • High quality graphics and effects
Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 2.3 and higher. v17

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Cara instal: instal apknya dulu , kemudia Extract datanya dan taruh di:
 sdcard/Android/data/pastekan di sini

How to instal:install apk it first, And then Extract data and put it in: 
sdcard/Android/data/paste here


Friday, February 3, 2017

Cara Membuat Android Support OTG

  • OTG adalah kependekan dari On The Go. Maksud dari on the go itu sendiri adalah spesifikasi yang memungkinkan perangkat USB seperti pemutar audio digital atau ponsel untuk bertindak sebagai host, dan memungkinkan perangkat USB lain seperti USB flash drive, kamera digital, mouse, atau keyboard bisa terpasang pada smartphone Android tersebut.

  • Nah, apa saja sih manfaat OTG ini? Untuk lebih lengkapnya kamu bisa cek artikel ini:10 Fungsi Unik Kabel USB OTG Selain Untuk Membaca Flashdisk. Fungsi OTG yang paling penting adalah kamu bisa dengan cepat mentransfer data dari ponsel Android ke flashdisk secara langsung. Berikut langkah-langkah cara membuat Android support OTG.

Oke Tanpa basa-basi lagi ,simak trick berikut ini :

1. Pastikan Ponsel Android kamu Sudah Di-root

Hal pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah memastikan ponsel kamu sudah di-root. Kamu bisa cek cara root ponsel Android. Fungsi root Android ini yaitu kamu bisa menambah, mengurangi atau memodifikasi file-file yang ada di smartphone Android kamu. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa melakukan kustomisasi seperti memaksimalkan kerja smartphone Android kamu, melakukan overclock prosesor Android kamu atau bahkan menghapus aplikasi bawaan yang tidak perlu.

2. Install Aplikasi USB Host Check

Langkah selanjutnya adalah meng-install aplikasi USB Host Check. Aplikasi USB Host Check ini berguna untuk memeriksa apakah smartphone Android kamu adalah Android support OTG atau tidak. Karena ada beberapa merek ponsel yang memang secara hardware-nya tidak support OTG.

3. Cek Ketersediaan File Bernama "android.hardware.usb.host.xml

Setelah sukses install aplikasi USB Host Check, jika muncul pesan "It appears that USB Host supports is not enable on this device. A fix attempt can be performed", itu artinya file yang dibutuhkan agar Android bisa support OTG memang tidak ada. File yang dimaksud bernama android.hardware.usb.host.xml. Jika belum ada, kamu harus membuat file tersebut dengan menggunakan aplikasi notepad atau bisa juga dengan notepad ++.

4. Buat Dulu File android.hardware.usb.host.xml

Kamu bisa membuat file ini dengan menggunakan aplikasi notepad di komputer kemudian pilih Save As android.hardware.usb.host.xml. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa ekstensi nama file haruslah .xml, dan tipe file harus All file, karena kita harus memperhatikan cara membuat android kamu mendukung usb otg dengan baik dan benar.

5. Masukkan Kode ini pada File yang Dibuat

Cantumkan kode berikut ini ke dalam file yang kamu buat tadi:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><permissions><feature name="android.hardware.usb.host" /></permissions>

6. Pindahkan File ke Smartphone Kamu

Pindahkan file android.hardware.usb.host.xml ke smartphone Android kamu di folder etc/permission. Folder permission ini penting agar kamu memperoleh akses untuk membuat Android support OTG. Kamu bisa gunakan aplikasi Root Explorer untuk memindahkan file android.hardware.usb.host.xml.

7. Buka Kembali Aplikasi USB Host Check

Setelah memindahkan file selanjutnya buka kembali aplikasi USB Host Check dan pilih "re-check". Jika memang tidak ada masalah, maka semua akan dicentang hijau yang artinya ponsel Android yang kamu gunakan ini sudah support OTG(selamat).








4 Cara Mengatasi Android Lemot

Selalu update aplikasi android ke versi terbaru.

Ini adalah salah satu cara mengatasi android lemot yang pernah saya baca dan langsung saya terapkan di android saya.
Sobat tau hasilnya apa?
Update OS android memang diperlukan tapi update aplikasi ke versi terbaru itu tidak terlalu penting.
Justru cara mengatasi android yang lemot tersebut membuat android saya semakin lambat.
Kenapa bisa demikian?
Karena membuat ruang penyimpanan semakin sedikit dan akan semakin memperlambat kinerja android kita.

Tanpa Basa-basi lagi ,simak trik berikut:

1.Kurangi widget

Widget yang sobat pasang di layar home mungkin sangat berguna bagi sobat.
Tapi perlu sobat ketahui bahwa widget tersebut juga bisa memperlambat kinerja android sobat. Karena saat data aktif, semua widget yang sobat pasang akan berjalan bersamaan.
Misalnya sobat memasang widget cuaca dan widget Facebook di layar home. Saat data aktif maka widget cuaca akan memperbarui ke kondisi cuaca terkini. Sedangkan widget facebook akan memperbarui status facebook terkini juga.
Karena berjalan bersamaan maka otomatis RAM yang di pakai akan semakin besar.
Apalagi versi androidnya lebih tua seperti ginggerbread dan jellybean yang hanya memiliki kapasitas RAM yang pas-pasan, pastinya android tersebut akan bertambah lemot.

2.Tutup aplikasi dan bebaskan RAM

Membuka aplikasi secara bersamaan tanpa menutup aplikasi yang sebelumnya akan berdampak buruk pada kecepatan android sobat.
Multi-tasking memang memudahkan kita untuk beralih dari satu aplikasi ke aplikasi lain tapi akan membuat kinerja android sobat semakin lemot.
Jadi lebih baik tutup aplikasi yang sobat buka sebelumnya. setelah itu barulah jalankan aplikasi lainya.
Untuk membebaskan lebih banyak RAM sobat bisa gunakan aplikasi clean master yang ada di playstore.
Hanya satu kali tab maka RAM akan dengan mudah di tingkatkan.
 Atau sobat bisa cari sendiri pengaturan untuk peningkat RAM bawaan android.

3.Me-nonaktifkan Animasi Dan efek

Untuk me-nonaktifkan animasi dan efek transisi keseluruhan pada android, sobat bisa lakukan cara ini.
  • Masuk ke pengaturan, gulir ke bawah, pilih about phone.
  • Cari software information dan pilih nomor bentukan atau built number dan tekan tujuh kali sampai sobat melihat Developer Options telah diaktifkan.
  • Kembali ke Pengaturan dan pilih opsi pengembang
  • Gulir ke bawah dan cari skala animasi jendela, Set ke 'Off'.
  • Tekan skala durasi animator dan set ke 'Off' juga

4. Restart Android

Ingin perbaikan cepat dan sederhana untuk android yang lemot ?
Coba cara mengatasi android lemot yang mudah ini.
Hanya dengan restart, android sobat akan membersihkan cache yang tersimpan dengan sendirinya. Dan juga akan menghentikan tugas yang berjalan. Dengan begitu android sobat akan mendapatkan kecepatanya kembali.
Lakukan cara ini setelah melakukan 5 langkah di atas.
Cukup dengan menahan tombol power, pilih opsi Restart, dan kemudian tekan OK untuk mengkonfirmasi.

Соbо: Launcher

Description of Соbо: Launcher app:

Соbо: Launcher - is a beautiful launcher with a big choice of color themes. The application will substitute all standard icons, add new widgets, wallpapers and tamplets. All themes can be completely adjusted that makes them easy to personalize. The utility is always working in energy saving mode so it takes minimum battery.
Aplication features:
  • Beautiful themes
  • Energy saving mode
  • Handy to set up launch pad
  • It is compatible with all side widgets

Tested On : Asus Zenfone 5
How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

iPhone: Lock Screen

Description of iPhone: Lock Screen app:

iPhone: Lock Screen - is a safe a lock screen with beautiful design. Embedded pop-up notifications will allow you to read messages and notifications without smartphone screen unlock. The application has embedded control panel so you can get a fast access to your camera, flashlight or calculator.

Game features:

  • Unique design
  • Pop-up notifications
  • Embedded control panel
  • Totally adjustable lock screen
  • Tested On : Asus Zenfone 5
    How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
    Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

  Just Download Link in Bellow


Ram Optimizer

Description of Ram Optimizer app:

Ram Optimizer - is an application for RAM optimization of your device. You can track process frequency. Special filter will automatically optimize all installed applications. Task manager will allow you to forbid auto start of the selected applications in order to dicrease memory load of your phone.

Game features:

  • Task manager
  • Fast optimization
  • Complete information on system
  • Lists of exceptions and trusted programs
Tested On : Asus Zenfone 5
How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Cara Flash Asus Zenfone 5 Botloop

Hp agan bootlop?
Jangan khawatir diblog ini masalah gan dapat terselesaikan dengan cepat dan mudah

Karna sering kali mendapatkan permasalahan Asus Zenfone 5 mengalami kerusakan pada software seperti Asus Zenfone 5 botlloop, Kali ini kami ingin share cara flash Asus Zenfone 5 botloop yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan di Asus Zenfone 5. Cara ini kami ambil saat melakukan flash Asus Zenfone 5 via ADB Fastboot tool atau ABD Sideload.

Untuk dapat melakukan flash Asus Zenfone 5 ini Anda harus mendownload bahan yang dibutuhkan, Silahkan download bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan flashing Asus Zenfone 5 via ADB Fastboot Tool atau ADB Sideload dibaawah ini.

Untuk mendownload firmware Asus Zenfone 5 jika firmware Asus Zenfone 5 sebelumnya sudah di upgrade ke Android Lollipop Anda harus menggunakan OS dengan versi Android Lollipop atau Gunakan OS Downgrade Android Lollipop to Kitkat. Jika sebelumnya masih Android Kitkat Anda dapat mwnggunakan OS Kitkat dan Android OS Lollipop.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan:

1. Download Driver Android Intel Setup
2. Download ADB Fastboot Tool
3. Download Firmware Asus Zenfone 5  T00F/T00F, Direkomendasikan pilih SKU yang sama dengan jenis yang di gunakan (WW , TW ,CN atau CHT)

Cara Flash Asus Zenfone 5 T00F/T00J Botloop

Persiapan di Komputer / Laptop
  • Ekstrak dan Instal Driver Android Intel Setup di Komputer
  • Ekstrak ADB Fastboot Tool
  • Ubah nama firmware Asusu Zenfone 5 yang sudah Anda download tadi menjadi user contoh : UL-ASUS_T00F-WW- Ganti menjadi "user", Untuk memudahkan proses flashing Asus Zenfone 5 via ADB Fastboot Tool. Selanjutnya pindahkan firmware Asus Zenfone 5 yang sudah diganti nama tadi ke dalam folder ADB Fastboot Tool.
  • Kemudian,Persiapan di Asus Zenfone 5
  • Selanjutnya masuk ke apply update from ADB di  Asus Zenfone 5 dengan cara tekan dan tahan tombol Volume Up + Power secara bersamaan sampai masuk ke FASTBOOT MODE 
  • Setelah berada di Fastboot Mode pilih RECOVERY MODE Gunakan tombol Volume untuk navigasi dan tombol power untuk konfirmasi, Setelah memilih Recovery Mode Asus Zenfone 5 akan restart dan akan muncul logo Android Tidak ada perintah
  • Setelah muncul muncul logo Robot Android tekan dan tahan tombol Power setelah itu tekan tombol Volume Up satu kali, Jika tidak bisa setelah muncul muncul logo Robot Android teken Volume Down + Volume Up, terus volume up lepas volume down jangan di lepas.
  • Setelah berada di menu recovery pilih apply update from ADB.

Proses Flash Asus Zenfone 5 via ADB Fastboot Tool

  • Sambungkan Asus Zenfone 5 ke komputer menggunakan kabel USB
  • Jalankan Comand Prompt yang berada di dalam folder ADB Fastboot Tool dan Klik dua kali pada OPEN.CMD.
  • Setelah masuk ke Comand Prompt ketikan perintah "adb devices"
  • Jika semua proses diatas dijalankan dengan benar maka Asus Zenfone 5 akan terdeteksi, yang menandakan Asus Zenfone 5 sudah terhubung dengan benar dan siap untuk proses flashing.
  • Selanjutnya ketikkan perintah "adb sideload user.zip" (user.zip adalah firmware yang di ubah namanya tadi)
  • Jika proses berlangsung hasilnya akan seperti gambar dibawah ini
  • Setelah proses instalasi selesai, Asus Zenfone 5 akan masuk kembali ke recovery mode, Setelah itu pilih reboot system now
  • Tunggu Asus Zenfone 5 sampai kembali nyala (proses ini memerlukan waktu cukup lama, Menurut pengalaman kami kurang dari 30 menit, tunggu saja sampai Asus Zenfone 5 nyala dengaan normal)

Tambahan (Permasalahan yang muncul saat proses flash)

  1. Setelah mengetik adb devices Asus Zenfone 5 tidak terdeteksi, Permasalahan ini bisa jadi disebabkan driver belum terinstal di Asus Zenfone 5 atau kesalahan pada komputer, Karna kami pernah mengalami Asus Zenfone 5 tidak terdeteksi di komputer, Setelah menggunakan komputer lain Asus Zenfone 5 dapat terdeteksi.
  2. Setelah mengetik adb sideload user.zip (user.zip name firmware Asus Zenfone 5) prosses loading tidak jalan, Ini bisa jadi disebabkan nana firmware yang diketikkan salah, Untuk mengatasinya ganti nama firmware menjadi singkat seperti user, Sehingga saat mengetikkan adb sideload user.zip proses langsung jalan, Jangan lupa saat mengetikkan adb sideload user.zip (mengetikkan .zip jangan sampai lupa)
  3. Setelah mengetik adb sideload user.zip prosses loading tidak jalan ini dapat disebabkan Anda salah memilih firmware Asus Zenfone 5, Jika sebelumnya Asus Zenfone 5 sudah di Upgrade ke Android Lollipop, Firmware yang digunakan harus Android Lollipop.
  4. Setelah mengetik adb sideload user.zip prosses loading tidak jalan, Silahkan cari ADB Fastboot Tool versi terbaru. Kami pernah mengalami saat mengetik adb sideload user.zip prosses loading tidak jalan. 
  5. Saat flash Asus Zenfone 5 muncul E:Error in / sideload/package.zip (Status 7) ini disebabkan kesalahan saat memilih SKU, Download firmware Asus Zenfone 5 yang sama dengan SKU di Asus Zenfone 5
  6. ......?, Silahkan berkomentar jika anda menjumpai berbagai permasalahan lainnya yang akan kami tambahkan disini.

Extreme asphalt:Car racing


Game description: Extreme asphalt: Car racing:

Extreme asphalt: Car racing - speed up your sports car to maximum and rush along racing tracks outrunning numerous rivals. Become the best racer on the tracks of this dynamic Android game. Make turns in drift, complete risky overtaking and various stunts. Try to cover each track at minimum time and don't crash your car on the way to the finish. Buy the most powerful cars of different makes. Upgrade your racing cars and change their appearance. Win races, unlock new tracks.

Game features:
  • High quality graphics and effects
  • Many cars
  • Interesting tracks
  • Different upgrades 
Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 3.0 and higher. v17

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner

Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Naruto Senki Strom Generations(Mod)


Game description:Naruto Senki Strom Generations(Mod):

  • Mempunyai Banyak kharakter , sudah terisi Mod unlimited money
  • Mod damage untuk Naruto 
  • Mod heal all character
Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 2.2 and higher. v1.1

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Squad wars: Death division


Game description: Squad wars: Death division:

Squad wars: Death division - take part in shooting tournaments arranged by an eccentric billionaire. Destroy enemies and get rich prizes. In this dynamic Android game you will take part in tensed fire exchange with players from all over the world. Team up with your friends or fight alone. Move from one covering to another. Shoot from a gun, sniper rifle, shotgun or other weapons. Try to destroy maximum enemies. Increase your rating, fight in different leagues. Buy needed munitions.

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Online for play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v1.6.0
Sze (Data):120mb

Cara instal: instal apknya dulu , kemudia Extract datanya dan taruh di:
sdcard/Android/obb/pastekan di sini

How to instal:install apk it first, And then Extract data and put it in: sdcard/Android/obb/paste here

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Pokemon duel


Game description: Pokemon duel:

Pokemon duel - place pokemons on the playing field. Make winning formations of them and attack your enemy. Get to the target and win duels. Demonstrate your strategy abilities in this exciting Android game. You will have 6 pokemons having unique characteristics at your disposal. Take turns with your rival in making moves. Think over your moves in such a way that you can block or attack enemy pokemons. Win matches, increase your rating, enter the big league! Gather a collection of pokemons, develop and upgrade them.

Game features:
  • Many pokemons
  • High quality graphics
  • Fight against other players
  • Bonuses and prizes
Online for Play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v3.0.0
Size : 48mb 

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Tekken 3


Game description: Tekken 3:

  • Gamenya Tidak usah memakai emulator lagi ,karena di dalamnya sudah terpasang tombol-tombol, gamenya  seru untuk di mainkan ,mempunyai banyak karakter.
Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 2.2 and higher. v1.1

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner
Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Elite force army war


Game description: Elite force army war commando:

Elite force army war commando - defend peaceful citizens from terrorists and bandits. Take part in street fights with much more numerous enemies. Try yourself as an elite fighter of army special forces squad in this Android game. Clear the city out of invaders and criminals. Try to survive during tensed fire exchange using automatic weapons. Penetrate enemy bases, eliminate enemy commanders with the help of a sniper rifle, apply grenades and rockets to destroy helicopters, tanks and other fighting machinery.

Tested On :Asus Zenfone 5
Offline to Play
Avaliable for Android 2.3 and higher. v1.12

Pocket pixel monster go


Game description: Pocket pixel monster go:

Pocket pixel monster go - travel across the world and catch various pixel monsters. Train your monsters and participate in arena battles. Gather your own collection of monsters in this Android game. Travel across a real world to make your character move across the playing map. Be ready to catch a monster which can appear anywhere in the real world. Throw a pixel ball at a monster, try to feed him with candies to increase your chances to win. Gather an invincible team of 3 monsters and power them up.

Tested On :Asus Zenfone 5
Online to Play
Avaliable for Android 2.3 and higher. v1.12



Game description: Ballarina:

Ballarina - help a little zebra win a crazy street race. Control the run of the zebra, outrun rivals, avoid crashes against obstacles. Get ready for a merry race on the tracks of this Android game. Take the zebra along the city streets full of various obstacles, dancing dolls and other objects. Gather different power-ups on the way. Increase the running speed, crash against dancers. Avoid crashes against fences, walls of houses and other obstacles which will slow down the hero. Buy costumes for the zebra.

Tested On :Asus Zenfone 5
Offline to Play
Avaliable for Android 4.0 and higher. v1.1


ruck driver 2: Multiplayer(Bluetooth)



Game description: Truck driver 2: Multiplayer:

Truck driver 2: Multiplayer - drive trucks, offroaders and other vehicles along dangerous tracks and country roads. Test your driving skills on the tracks of this Android game. Get into a tractor, jeep, huge truck or other four wheeled vehicle. Go up steep hills, cross rivers and other obstacles. Participate in interesting races and outrun rivals. Don't lose cargo on the way to the finish. Compete with computer opponents or challenge other players.

Tested On :Asus Zenfone 5
Offline to Play
Avaliable for Android 2.3 and higher. v1.1

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner

Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Rustland: Survival and craft


Game description: Rustland: Survival and craft:

Rustland: Survival and craft - try to survive on the island full of wild animals and dreadful zombies. Fight against enemies, get resources. In this exciting Android game you will experience deadly dangerous adventures on a mysterious island. Explore a deserted island. Hunt various animals and fight against predators. Find secret places with useful objects, make an axe, bow and other munitions. Build a house where you can spend night and hide from zombies. Rob islands of other players. Get a useful pet.

Tested On:Asus Zenfone 5
-Online for Play
-Avaliable for Android 4.0.3 and higher. v2.9.3

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner

Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Destroy gunners sigma


Game description: Destroy gunners sigma:

Destroy gunners sigma - take a huge fighting robot from the hangar. Participate in the battles against enemy robots. Get rewards for completing missions. In this Android game you can try yourself as a professional pilot of a huge fighting robot. Fight against strong opponents in different corners of the planet. Move the robot across the battle field fast and complete unexpected maneuvers to dodge enemy fire. Watch the radar screen in order not to miss the enemy. Team up with allies and defeat huge bosses.

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 2.3 and higher. v1.03

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner

Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.

Survivor: Pain and gain


Game description: Survivor: Pain and gain:

Survivor: Pain and gain - explore a deserted island. Get food and other resources needed to survive and live a comfortable life. Fight against enemies. Test your survival skills in this exciting Android gme. Examine each corner of the island. Get through the forest, go down to the beach, go up to the mountains and so on. Find a safe place where you can build a secure shelter. Gather food to remain strong. Hunt different animals and fight with predators. Craft weapons and tools.

Tested On = Asus Zenfone 5
Offline for play
Avaliable for Android 4.1 and higher. v1.03

How to download : Click Link Download and wait for 5 second ,after that click skip ad in top right corner

Cara download : Click tulisan download di bawah , setelah itu tunggu 5 detik ,kemuadian Click skip ad di pojok kanan atas.